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Tax Pro Spotlight: Daniel Vargo

Tax Pro Spotlight: Daniel Vargo

From time to time, we like to shine a spotlight on a tax professional who is active in the Tax School community. Meet Daniel!

I’m Daniel Vargo, CPA. I passed the Illinois CPA Exam in 1981 after graduating from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a BA in Economics/History and a MAS in Accounting in 1979. I started my professional career working on the tax and audit staffs of regional CPA firms in downtown Chicago and established my own accounting firm, located in Warrenville, IL, in 1990.

Q. What does a typical day look like for you?

Mostly fun! I really enjoy working with people. Days involve lots of reading and lots of interacting with people.

Q. Why did you get into the tax/accounting field?

Honestly, accounting was a good way to guarantee employment. In many ways, accounting is applied basic algebra. However, I still really enjoy economics and history.

Q. Do you have an area of expertise or a niche you especially enjoy?

Our firm’s main focus is on income and estate tax compliance and planning for closely held businesses, families, and individuals.

Q. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Stay healthy!!!

Q. What do you like about Tax School seminars/webinars/workbook?

There’s so much to like — the valuable information, depth of materials, timeliness of topics/coverage, practical useful information, and great instructors! Tax School has helped me serve my clients in so many ways. Education! Education! Education!

Q. What are your favorite ways to get tax information?

Reading! I prefer resources such as U of I Tax School, CCH, RIA, PPCs, AICPA, ICPAs, etc. I also like seminars…webinars…newsletters…and networking with fellow practitioners!

Editor’s Note: Daniel recently penned an article for the Daily Herald Business Ledger on the topic of cybersecurity for CPAs. You can check out the article, which includes helpful cybersecurity resources, online.

Interview edited for content and clarity.

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